Understanding Root Canal Treatment: Stages, Recovery, and More

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that is used to repair a damaged or infected tooth.

Dr Rockson Samuel

28 avr. 2023

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that is used to repair a damaged or infected tooth. It's often recommended when the inside of a tooth (the pulp) becomes infected or inflamed due to decay, trauma, or other factors. If left untreated, this infection can cause serious damage to the tooth and may even lead to tooth loss.

In this article, we will answer some common questions about root canal treatment, including how many visits it takes, how long it takes to recover, and how long a root canal will last.

What are the stages of root canal treatment?

There are typically three stages of root canal treatment:

  1. Diagnosis and preparation: During this stage, the dentist will take x-rays of the tooth to determine the extent of the damage and to create a treatment plan. They will also numb the area around the tooth to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

  2. Removal of infected or damaged tissue: Next, the dentist will make a small hole in the top of the tooth and remove the infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth. They will then thoroughly clean and shape the inside of the tooth to prepare it for filling.

  3. Filling and sealing: In the final stage, the dentist will fill the inside of the tooth with a special material to seal it off and prevent further damage. They may also place a crown, or cap, over the top of the tooth to protect it and restore its function.

Why do root canals take 2 visits?

In some cases, root canal treatment can be completed in one visit. However, more complex cases may require two or three visits to the dentist. There are several reasons why root canal treatment may take multiple visits:

  1. Complexity of the case: If the infection or damage is extensive, it may take more than one visit to fully clean and fill the inside of the tooth.

  2. Need for a crown: If a crown is needed to protect the tooth after root canal treatment, it may be placed during a separate visit.

  3. Healing time: In some cases, the tooth may need time to heal before the final filling or crown can be placed. This may require an additional visit to the dentist.

How long does it take to recover from root canal treatment?

Most people experience some mild pain and discomfort after root canal treatment. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. It is important to follow your dentist's instructions for care after the procedure, including taking any prescribed medications and avoiding chewing on the treated tooth until it has fully healed.

Most people recover from root canal treatment within a few days. However, it is important to note that everyone's recovery time is different and can depend on the complexity of the case and the person's overall health.

How long does a root canal last?

A root canal procedure is designed to remove infected tissue and bacteria from the inside of your tooth, which can help preserve the tooth for years to come. However, it's important to note that root canal treatment does not guarantee a permanent solution. Some root canals may last a lifetime, while others may need to be redone or have a crown placed over the treated tooth to ensure its longevity.

The success rate of root canal treatment is generally quite high, with studies showing that the procedure has a success rate of up to 95%. However, there are several factors that can impact the longevity of your root canal, including:

  • The health of the tooth prior to treatment

  • The extent of the infection or damage to the tooth

  • Your oral hygiene habits

  • The type of crown placed over the treated tooth (if applicable)

On average, root canal treatment can help preserve a tooth for 10-15 years. However, it's important to note that this can vary from person to person, and it's important to continue with regular dental check-ups to ensure the health of your treated tooth.

Can root canal last forever?

As mentioned, root canal treatment is not a permanent solution, and it's possible that a treated tooth may need to be redone or have a crown placed over it to ensure its longevity. That being said, with proper care and maintenance, it's possible for a root canal to last a lifetime. This includes:

  • Practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing regularly

  • Visiting the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings

  • Avoiding biting or chewing on hard or sticky foods

  • Wearing a mouthguard while participating in contact sports

By taking care of your treated tooth, you can help increase the chances of it lasting for many years.

Will a root canal tooth fall out?

A root canal treated tooth is not at an increased risk of falling out compared to a non-treated tooth. However, it's important to note that any tooth can fall out if it is severely damaged or decayed. To help prevent your treated tooth from falling out, it's important to practice good oral hygiene, visit the dentist regularly, and avoid biting or chewing on hard or sticky foods.

When should a root canal be replaced?

In some cases, a root canal treated tooth may need to be replaced with a crown or a dental implant. This can be necessary if the treated tooth becomes damaged or decayed, or if the root canal treatment was not successful. Your dentist will be able to assess the health of your treated tooth and determine if replacement is necessary.

Section 8: Is the second visit for root canal painful?

In general, the second visit for a root canal should take about the same amount of time as the first visit. It's important to discuss the length of the appointment with your dentist before the procedure to know what to expect.

What is the second stage of root canal?

The second stage of root canal is the restoration of the treated tooth. During this stage, the dentist will place a filling or crown on the treated tooth to protect it and restore its function. This is typically done during the second visit to the dentist after the root canal procedure has been completed.

What happens if a root canal tooth falls out?

If a root canal treated tooth falls out, it's important to contact your dentist right away. The treated tooth may need to be replaced to restore function and prevent further complications. In some cases, it may be possible to save the treated tooth if it is re-implanted in a timely manner.

How long will a tooth last after a root canal?

A tooth treated with a root canal can last a lifetime if it is properly cared for. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the treated tooth stays healthy. It's also recommended to have a crown placed on the treated tooth to provide added protection and support.

Can a root canal tooth come loose?

A root canal treated tooth can become loose if it is not properly cared for or if there are underlying issues that were not addressed during the root canal treatment. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the treated tooth stays healthy. If the treated tooth becomes loose, it's important to contact your dentist right away as this could be a sign of an underlying issue.

How often do root canals need to be redone?

In most cases, a root canal treatment is a successful and long-lasting solution for infected teeth. However, there are instances where a root canal treated tooth may need to be retreated or replaced due to new infections or complications. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the health of the treated tooth. If you experience persistent pain or discomfort in a treated tooth, it's important to contact your dentist for an evaluation. They will be able to determine if a retreatment or replacement is necessary.


Root canal treatment is a common and effective procedure for saving infected teeth. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the health of your treated teeth. If you experience persistent pain or discomfort in a treated tooth, it's important to contact your dentist for an evaluation. They will be able to determine if a retreatment or replacement is necessary.


Is a root canal painful?

Root canal procedures are designed to eliminate pain, not cause it. Most patients report that the procedure is no more painful than having a filling placed. During the procedure, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area, so you should not feel any pain. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

What should I expect after a root canal?

After a root canal, you may experience some sensitivity or discomfort for a few days. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. It's important to follow your endodontist's instructions for post-procedure care, which may include taking medications as prescribed and avoiding biting down on the treated tooth for a period of time.

Is a root canal always necessary?

In some cases, a root canal may not be necessary. If the tooth is so damaged or decayed that it cannot be saved, your endodontist may recommend extraction instead. However, in many cases, a root canal is the best option for saving the tooth and preventing the need for extraction.

Can a root canal fail?

While root canal procedures are generally successful, there is a small chance that the procedure could fail. This can occur if the tooth becomes infected again after the procedure, or if the filling or crown placed on the tooth does not seal properly. If you experience pain or discomfort after a root canal, it's important to contact your endodontist as soon as possible to determine the cause and determine the best course of treatment.

Can a root canal tooth fall out?

Root canal treated teeth are generally as strong as other teeth, and with proper care and maintenance, they should not fall out. However, it's important to remember that all teeth are subject to the same risk of decay and gum disease as untreated teeth, so it's important to maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

Can a tooth be saved without a root canal?

In some cases, a tooth can be saved without a root canal if the infection or damage is caught early enough. Alternative treatments might include a filling or crown to repair the tooth, or antibiotics to clear up an infection.

Is extraction always the only option after a root canal fails?

No, extraction is not always the only option after a root canal fails. It is possible to retreat the root canal or consider alternative treatments such as an apicoectomy (surgery to remove the infected tissue at the tip of the root).

Can a tooth be replaced after extraction?

Yes, there are several options for replacing a tooth after extraction. These include dental implants, bridges, and partial or full dentures. Your dentist will help you determine the best option for your individual needs and budget.

Are there any natural remedies for a tooth infection?

While natural remedies can sometimes help alleviate tooth pain and reduce swelling, they are not a substitute for professional dental treatment. If you suspect you have a tooth infection, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible.

Is it possible to avoid a root canal by practicing good oral hygiene?

Maintaining good oral hygiene can help prevent the need for a root canal. This includes brushing and flossing daily, using mouthwash, and visiting the dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. However, sometimes factors outside of our control (such as genetics or trauma) can also contribute to the need for a root canal.


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